Consumption control

System that allows you to manage, control and collect for the consumption of supplies like water, electricity and other complementary elements. This system is integrated in our online platform Control Panel. It is based on the connection of different sensors and devices that measure consumption with our own electronic and credential readers. This consumption data is automatically transferred to Control Panel, allowing you to know at any moment the consumed quantities. You also can allocate limits of consumption, for example, for prepaid elements. This cost can be assigned to the corresponding user or can be paid directly in payment stations or ATMs.

This system can become in a powerful tool for the optimization of consumptions and resources in the facilities. Thanks to it you can know at any moment the global consumption level and the users that make them. In case of exceed some limit, the system can issue a notification or close the service.

Other advantage of this system is the automatic alarm trigger in case of  leaks or losses. Our devices measure all the time the water and electricity flow in the entrance and in the dispensing locations, so the check of leakage is automatic. The system can activate alerts and act the closing mechanisms like electrovalves.

We offer supply points for marinas, responsible for supplying water and electricity in yachts. This supply points also can be used for charging electrical vehicles , caravan campings and other sites.


Our Consumption control services work in these solutions:


Individual consumption control

Allocation of consumptions to users

Cost optimization

Water leak alarms

Supply failure alarms

Automatic calculation

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