Receipt dispenser

This equipment allows you to manage belongings deposited by users inside a facility. By using this device you know  the exact location of each deposit from each user, guaranteeing a smooth delivery.  

While creating a receipt you can include user information (name, ID or telephone number) for  easier access to  belongings in case of receipt loss as well as contacting the client in case they forget to collect the objects deposited. You can also add information or characteristics of the location of the objects, making the search task easier.

This belongings management system is very useful for workers because it speeds the process up; and also for users, who have their belongings in a safe place which no other user has access to.

The staff prints 2 receipts, one for the client and another for depositing with the belongings.

When the client returns to pick up their belongings, the worker can search in the system (reading a barcode) to obtain all information stored (even in what shelf it is located) or seek manually, checking the emitted number in both receipts.


This device can be placed in areas where deposits  are normally  made, like laboratories or  spaces where  the entry with  mobile phones or metallic items is prohibited.

The purchase of this device can provide the parking lot with a new service. This way, you offer  your client the possibility of depositing belongings in a safe way

This system is integrated in the manual payment station, so if you have this equipment you don’t need to acquire any additional hardware.

Security in stadiums is essential, therefore on many occasions  transit with some objects can be a danger to the rest of the users. These objects can be carried by the user without the intention of harm because they are everyday items. These items can be stored by workers during the user stay in the facility.

In our system, the storage and identification of these elements is quick and simple, with the possibility of adding contact information in case of oversight.

Events normally have cloakrooms. With our system you can automate this service, accelerating and reducing lines in this area.

Receipt loss in these events is common,so registering the contact information when the user leaves their belongings is very important. This makes charging easier, the worker gives you your belongings just by showing your ID card.

The installation of these devices is useful in industrial parks where some specific articles  are not permitted, allowing the user to leave them in  safe storage.

It is a useful device in harbors with cloakrooms or lockers where users can leave their belongings. With our receipt dispenser, the storage and identification of these elements is quick and simple.

This device is very useful for  charging mobile phones in checkrooms. This way store users can charge their mobile phone battery while they shop, knowing the telephone won’t be handled by any other user.

Another habitual use is the storage of bags or other elements that the user cannot bring inside the store. Now, instead of remembering which bag belongs to which user, you will have them perfectly identified.



Quick use

Control guaranteed

Contact information in case of oversight

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