Round Control

The round control system allows you to check the completion of pre-established rounds and routines for maintenance, surveillance or cleaning of facilities or assigned zones.

This system registers the operator and the checking point with a date and hour, letting you compare the planning and the register.

There are two working modes, online and offline:

In the online mode, transfer of data is automatically sent from the application to server. With our platform you can check the rounds in real time.

In the offline version, reader devices (collectors) are used for the storage of readings. When the route is finished, the operator downloads the information into a computer. These datums are shown on our platform Control Panel.


This system is useful in surveillance tasks in buildings or cleaning managements in hotel. With this system, you have an exact control of which rooms have been cleaned, by whom and when.

Useful devices for checking that control rounds are done in the assigned schedule.

It can be used for maintenance control and surveillance tasks.


In the case of industrial parks, these systems are used for surveillance tasks. With these devices you have a total control of the route followed by employees in the facility.

It is a useful tool for verifying the presence of workers on streets. For example the control of restricted parking areas or the management of maintenance tasks like gardening, cleaning or turn on/off traffic lights.

It is a useful tool for the surveillance tasks in events. With these devices you have a total control of the achievement of the surveillance tasks, knowing who and in what moment have passed through specific points.

This system can be used for the control of maintenance tasks in the harbour, like checking for the absence of the water in service boxes or for the surveillance of pontoons.


Management of surveillance and maintenance routes in facilities.

Management of surveillance, cleaning and maintenance routes in commercial establishments.

With this system you can avoid “Express rounds”, guaranteeing a continuous movement of personnel.


✔ Strong devices

✔ Mobile software

✔ Real time management

✔ Low cost checking points

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