Video Surveillance

This is our image recording and visualising system, taken by IP cameras to register and control either outdoors, indoors or both.  

Our recording system has three parts: The cameras, the video recorders and our online platform Control Panel.

The cameras are the equipment that record images in the facilities. We recommend using the 180º or the 360º cameras with DWARP software, which allow the recording of large areas with maximum quality and minimum blind spots. These cameras can be connected directly to our online platform or to our video recorder, fitting our client needs.

The video recorders are elements that allow all images from different cameras in Control Panel to come together . You can also connect to our online platform and retransmit the recordings or real time images.

The online platform. As another module of Control Panel, our video surveillance platform allows you to show images in streaming, retransmit the records stored in devices (cameras or video recorders) and play videos stored in the platform.

One of our strong points is hardware investment optimization. With our system, clients can outsource the storing and processing tasks to our data centers and eliminate traditional servers and image analyzing systems.


These cameras provide extra safety in buildings where personnel movements are common or places in which internal developed activities need extra security.

These video surveillance systems are useful for improving control in parking management. With these recordings you can identify specific vehicles and users as well as keep an eye on antisocial behavior or damage to vehicles. This system offers an added-value in the parking lot.

Event enclosures are facilities in which both poeple safety and products are one of the most important characteristics. This is the reason why it is important to provide this areas with a robust and safe surveillance system.

Our system allows the storage of images and videos in triplicate, consequently a copy is always available in case of any incident, like connection loss or sabotage.

An important characteristic is the integration of this system inside Control Panel, allowing the aplication of different location algorithms for video analysis in real time or deferred. This allows us to detect incidents and search for those involved.

In events it is important to keep security in mind, providing the enclosure with video surveillance cameras that capture any incident. Our system allows you to show images from remote surveillance centers and control several events at the same time.

Integration in our platform Control Panel allows us to link each access to a specific moment in a video recording. It can be done in one or numerous cameras. That makes it easier to recover the recordings linked to a specific moment, without reviewing all the video by hand.

Industrial parks are normally are very large spaces, which require a certain amount of control.

Our surveillance system allows for the integration of a great number of cameras, like traditional ones, 360º recording, or even “domo” cameras, which can move or zoom. All this types of cameras are controlled from our user friendly platform Control Panel.

Specifically made for wide spaces, our system allows different IP communication standards, like ethernet wire, optic fiber, wifi, wimax or 3G/LTE. That gives us the opportunity to cover any situation.

The integration with our platform Control Panel allows you to manage cameras. You can even record and display in real time and in any part of the world. That offers the possibility of outsourcing the recording review work.

Our platform Control Panel integrates surveillance cameras in outdoor areas. This allows you to know the traffic state or the available parking spaces, and act accordingly.

If the license plate recognition system is also integrated, we can identify and find vehicles of special interest (stolen, involved in an accident…).

There is an increasing rate of thefts inside harbors, and for this reason we have developed the following solution. We use video surveillance in addition to pontoon access control, thereby increasing the security of users and goods.

Our surveillance system allows you to simultaneously control different buildings or centers, which centralizes resources.

Focused on high security, our system allows you to synchronise access control and video surveillance, which makes it easier to identify an incident or a particular access to a facility.  

Our video surveillance system is totally integrated in our platform Control Panel, which allows you to use the recordings to search for people or vehicles.

Preventing theft is the main worry for commercial establishments. Furthermore, our system allows you to control of common zones (like hallways or entries).

Our centralized system permits the management of many facilities from just one place.

You can visually verify alarms and access control.

Our recording systems handle all weather conditions.

The IP communication of our cameras allows them to reach great distances, and even wireless connection.


IP technology

✔ Local and remote recorder

Images taken in 360º or 180º

Local and remote visualization

Online storage

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